
The Research Unit at TRCI

As leaders in the field of therapeutic riding and dog training in Israel, in 2014 the first research unit of its kind was established; ground breakers who have made it their purpose, to study and empirically prove the effect of therapeutic riding and dog training on a wide range of populations with different needs.

Alongside the practical experience and the important therapeutic knowledge, that has developed as “practical wisdom”, the research unit in conjunction with the University of Bar Ilan, is examining and measuring the therapeutic influence around topics related to the field of therapeutic riding and dog training.


Ongoing studies at this time

A study that examines the impact of secondary traumatization on the professional functionality of therapists and volunteers at the TRCI.

Research examining the influence of therapeutic riding in conjunction with emotional therapy upon Post Trauma (PTSD) victims (a study in collaboration with and funding of the Ministry of Defense).

An evaluation study of the intervention program with therapeutic dogs and a medical clown for children aged 6-12 who live in protective shelters.

Research that examines feelings of pity amongst professionals working with disabled people.

Research that examines the level of satisfaction in the lives of parents of children with attention deficit disorders before and after the intervention of therapeutic riding, the optimism, self esteem, social support and parental pressure.

A study that examines the contribution of the process of volunteering at the center for therapeutic riding for young adults at risk, and the contribution of volunteering in the development of personal and community resources.

I want to contribute to the research unit