ד”ר דורית ברפמן מנכ”לית עמותת “המרכז לרכיבה טיפולית בישראל”
The Non Profit Organization –“Therapeutic Riding Center in Israel” was established in 1998, and ever since, has offered a therapeutic solution for diverse sectors of the ‘special needs’ population, assisted by dogs and therapeutic riding. Since its establishment, thousands of children and adults have been
awarded professional, dedicated therapy, and they have enjoyed a unique connection with the animals.
This NPO is the largest in Israel, in the field of therapeutic riding, and it was also the first to open a ‘Therapeutic Kennel’, and to begin using dogs to assist in treatment. There are annually about 700 patients of all ages, with a wide range of special needs. Each patient is given a specially constructed plan that is adapted specifically to meet their needs, based on the recommendations of our multidisciplinary professional team. This team includes social workers, physiotherapists, therapeutic riding teachers, and
animal therapy specialists. In addition, the NPO employs a broad supporting logistics team for maintenance and development of resources.
The “Therapeutic Riding Center in Israel” has developed and grown in the past decade, and is now recognized as an organization that provides rehabilitation and treatment, by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Social Welfare and HMO’s who operate treatment programs for groups and individuals.
Our main work strategy is generating cooperation with these government offices as well as organizations from other sectors of the population.
The “Therapeutic Riding Center in Israel” has done much to promote the field of ‘animal assisted therapy’ in general and ‘therapeutic riding’ in particular. Two new strategic centers have been established in the past two years for this purpose. One of them is a highly professional training center, the purpose of which is to train therapeutic riding instructors and therapeutic dog handlers, who are certified and recognized by the relevant regulatory authorities. The second is a research unit, which has undertaken to advance research topics relevant to the therapeutic topics of the organization, as well as to the voluntary sector, NGOs and Civil Society. The Training Center and the Research Unit are an
ongoing source of innovation which TRCI constantly uses to instruct therapists, volunteers and employees, in order to provide the most dedicated and professional treatments to our patients.
For TRCI, the phrase “the sky is the limit” is no cliché. Everyone, every child and adult who comes to us for treatment, will optimally achieve the peak of their potential with the help of a professional and dedicated team who work and volunteer in the organization.
On a personal note, the center is one of the most charming, beautiful and unique places in Israel, where professional and dedicated therapy combines with nature to create an effective and enjoyable healing experience.